Head for the hilly town of Monchique for a tasty sample of local foods and musical entertainment
On Saturday March 1st and Sunday 2nd Monchique hosts the annual XVth Traditional Sausages Fair.
In addition to meat products there are exhibits of honey & jams, local brews such as Medronho and Melosa, and handicrafts made of cloth, wood and porcelain.
A number of local restaurants are taking part providing local recipes such as Assadura and Couve á Monchique.
During the weekend entertainment will be provided by the street-entertainers GigaBombos and the traditional music group Pilha Galinhas.
Evening entertainment is provided on Saturday 1st March at 6PM by Marco Horacio in his show Rouchinol Faduncho.
{Marco Horacio is a stand-up comedian that uses Fado to satire and humour.}
The Pop-duo Anjos (brothers Nelson and Sergio Rosado) are on stage Sunday 2nd March (from 6PM).
Local restaurants contributing to this Feast of Gastronomy include:
‘Charrette’ – Rua Dr Samora Gil
‘Palmeirinha dos Chorões’ – Rua Serpa Pinto, 23
‘Teresinha’ – Estrada de Fóia, Ceiceira
‘Jardim das Oliveiras’ – Sítio do Porto Escuro
‘O Fernando’ – Estrada de Fóia, Ceiceira
‘Luar da Fóia’ – Estrada de Fóia, Ceiceira
‘Tasca do Petrol’ – Corgo do Vale
‘Paraíso da Montanha’ – Estrada da Fóia, Saramagal
‘O Planalto’ – Pico de Fóia
Monchique is 25 mins by car or coach from Portimão and great place to visit for a change from the beach scenery at Praia da Rocha.
Flyer (Monchique local council):
Rouxinol Faduncho-Lisboa
Anjos - Olhar - te Uma So Vez
Monchique & Foia photos
Algarve Holiday Studio: http://www.geocities.com/algarve_holiday/
For a memorable stay at Praia da Rocha, Algarve!