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Check out our guide to Summer Music in the Algarve.
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Venue: Fatacil, Lagoa
Location: Lagoa, google map link
Tickets: €5 per adult, or €15 for a family ticket (four adults). Children up to 12: Free of charge. FATACIL is open everyday from 16h00 to 01h00
Location: Lagoa, google map link
Tickets: €5 per adult, or €15 for a family ticket (four adults). Children up to 12: Free of charge. FATACIL is open everyday from 16h00 to 01h00
Further Details: Secretariado FATASUL . Apartado 66 - 8401.901 LAGOA (Algarve). Tel. 00 351 282 353 453 . Fax: 00 351 282 342 963 . Email:
Sunday 30 August 2009 at 10.30 PM
Venue: Fatacil, Lagoa
Location: Lagoa, google map link
Tickets: €5 per adult, or €15 for a family ticket (four adults). Children up to 12: Free of charge. FATACIL is open everyday from 16h00 to 01h00
Further Details: Secretariado FATASUL . Apartado 66 - 8401.901 LAGOA (Algarve). Tel. 00 351 282 353 453 . Fax: 00 351 282 342 963 . Email:
Further details of programmes and dates for other events will be added here!
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Algarve Holiday Studio:
For a memorable stay at Praia da Rocha, Algarve !
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Algarve Holiday Studio:
For a memorable stay at Praia da Rocha, Algarve !