Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Portuguese group Deolinda at the TEMPO, Portimão, Saturday 21st February

With the voice of Ana Bacalhau Deolinda is not quite typical Fado…
For one thing they do not use the Portuguese guitar…but they are taking Fado to another level and they are extremely popular right now!

Saturday 21st February, 9.30PM
Venue: TEMPO - TEatro Municipal de POrtimão).

Location: TEMPO - TEatro Municipal de POrtimão).
Address: Largo 1º Dezembro, 8500-538 Portimão, Phone: (+351) 282 480 496

Tickets are €15

Deolinda is:
Ana Bacalhau, Vocals,
Zé Pedro Leitão, Double Bass,
Pedro da Silva Martins, classical guitar
Luís José Martins, classical guitar.

Links & Notes:


"O seu nome é Deolinda e tem idade suficiente para saber que a vida não é tão fácil como parece, solteira de amores, casada com desamores, natural de Lisboa, habita um rés-do-chão algures nos subúrbios da capital. Compõe as suas canções a olhar por entre as cortinas da janela, inspirada pelos discos de grafonola da avó e pela vida bizarra dos vizinhos. Vive com 2 gatos e um peixinho vermelho..."

"...Her name is Deolinda and she is old enough to realize that life isnt as easy as it seems. Merrily unmarried, in love and out of love, born in Lisbon, she inhabits a ground floor apartment somewhere in the suburbs of the capital. She writes her own songs by peeking through the curtains of her window, drawing inspiration from the old gramophone records that once belonged to her grandmother and by the bizarre and strange life of her neighbours. She lives with 2 cats and a gold fish..."

Deolinda é um original projecto de música popular portuguesa (MPP), inspirado pelo fado e as suas origens tradicionais. Formado em 2006 por 4 jovens músicos com experiências musicais diversas (jazz, música clássica, música étnica e tradicional), procuram, através do cruzamento das diferentes linguagens e pesquisa musical, recriar uma sonoridade de cariz popular que sirva de base às composições originais do grupo.

Deolinda is a project from Lisbon inspired by fado and its traditional roots in order to create original songs based on portuguese traditional and popular music. It came to life in 2006, by the hands of 4 young musicians with diverse musical backgrounds and experiences (such as classical music, jazz, ethnical and traditional music), searching to recreate a sound rooted in popular music through the crossing of different musical languages and musical research serving as a base for the group's original compositions. By Deolinda on myspace

Deolinda on youtube

Deolinda - Mal Por Mal (S. Jorge)

Algarve Holiday Studio: http://www.geocities.com/algarve_holiday/
For a memorable stay at Praia da Rocha, Algarve!

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